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Developing an Event Agenda

Developing your event agenda is critical at the start of planning a meeting or event. You must first establish the goals and determine what you are planning to accomplish. Keeping this in mind while building your agenda is key to any engaging event.

Create an agenda with just the right balance of content. Too much information can be overwhelming and lead to audience disengagement. Research to find speakers who will effectively highlight the purpose of your event. When developing an event agenda consider the duration of each day as well as the timing of each session. If you are hosting a virtual event consider scheduling a few hours each day over a period of weeks.

Be sure you wrap-up the event agenda on a high note. A concise summary with a look to the future, kudos, or video reel highlights motivates the audience. Participants will be more likely to carry out the meeting objectives when they return to the office. Send the post-event survey out as your participants depart, feeling energized.

As Stephen Covey said in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” “Begin with the end in mind.”

About Event Analytics & Design
Event Analytics & Design (EAD) is an event project management, event support, and technology management company specializing in virtual events, hybrid events & in-person/live events, registration services & attendee management, event technology, and event data analytics & engagement metrics. EAD excels in using data and technology to deliver exciting and innovative event experiences. Event Analytics & Design is a sister company to Typ A Marketing and a subsidiary of Video Illusions, Inc., a full-service production company focused on video production, web development including site design & online application implementation, brand development, multimedia creation, and corporate consulting. See all the ways that the Video Illusions, Inc. suite of properties (VIIP) can deliver a one-stop destination for all your branding, marketing, and programming needs. Headquartered in San Francisco, California, Event Analytics & Design is the brainchild of two industry experts with the mission to revolutionize the event management industry. For more information, visit or follow @EventANDSF on Twitter or Instagram.